ROSE GARDEN GALA 2024 is September 6, 2024!
The board of directors, staff, and supporters of One-Eighty Programs would like to invite you to our signature event! There is more impact happening in our city than ever before, and we want to share all the news with you. Our Rose Garden Gala will feature an amazing meal, great wine, a silent & live auction, and so much more. Most importantly, we will highlight the ongoing stories of hope and change taking place in our schools, neighborhoods, and in the lives of our young people.
Don’t Miss It!
The One-Eighty Staff
Sponsorship Levels
Individual Ticket
One ticket to an inspiring night with raffles, auctions, music, good food & good people!
Table Sponsor (Table for 8 or 10)
Includes reserved seating for 8 or 10 people, event advertisement, a magnum wine bottle raffle ticket & a gift bag!
Event Sponsor (Table for 8 or 10)
Enjoy all of the Table Sponsor Benefits for 8 or 10 people PLUS custom ad placement in the program, social media recognition, and ground-level partnership with One-Eighty Programs.