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Since 2002, we have been dedicated to the restoration of our city through 180° turns toward teens and families thriving physically, emotionally, & spiritually.

Our Services

a word from our board

Dreaming boldly and praying faithfully: this has been the calling of our Board of Directors over these last two decades.  In that time, One-Eighty Programs has grown and changed alongside our community in ways beyond what any of us could have imagined.  As one of the original Small Group leaders when the One-Eighty began as a simple Teen Center in 2002 and even still as the Chairman of the Board for the last several years, I couldn’t have known what this great organization would become.  What started as a humble effort to create a safe gathering place for teens has matured into so much more: counseling services to provide for the mental health needs of our local community and schools, after-school programs, job readiness classes, and summer programs with clubs and activities at the teen center and in neighborhood parks, a mobile unit to connect remotely at the skate park and beyond, and One-Eighty Adventures which takes kids on trips from the sunny coast to the high Sierras.  The One-Eighty is an organization that has not only met the needs of the Lodi community but has dared to do so much more for twenty years. 


Not believing that we have the power to do anything on our own but trusting that God can do everything when we faithfully follow Him, our board has prayerfully supported the expansion of One-Eighty with every generous donation from our committed supporters.  It seems that every time the One-Eighty has stepped out and ventured to do more, God has answered with a clear path and provision for success. Our community of supporters has proven time and time again through their amazing donations that we cannot dream too big for God.  Responsible for vision and governance over the whole of One-Eighty Programs, the Board of Directors does not take lightly the tremendous gifts of time and money so generously offered by our supporters. We are so thankful for and proud to be part of the One-Eighty family of volunteers, and we are so humbled by and appreciative of our extended family of  One-Eighty supporters.  Our commitment is to continue to dream, continue to pray, continue to serve, and continue to trust God.  I can’t wait to see what He does with and through One-Eighty Programs in the next twenty years.     


- Captain Tony Morefield, Chairman of the One-Eighty Programs Board



Glen Barnes, a youth pastor with First Baptist Church, catches a vision for a teen center in Lodi. With a little bit of action and a whole lot of faith, little miracles begin to happen. Amazingly, at the very same time, the United Way of San Joaquin county puts up a $180,000 grant to establish a teen
center in the county. A local benevolent family hears about this dream, purchases the old Lodi Post Office at 17 W. Lockeford St, and offers a $1 per year lease to the fledgling organization. The vision quickly becomes reality.

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The One-Eighty Teen Center officially opens it’s doors! Under the leadership of Executive Director Brad VanderHamm and Program Director Jake and his wife Alison McGregor, the main attractions are the pool tables, a hand-built skatepark, and live music venue, which together draw crowds of as many as 200 students at a time.


Confronted with local gang activity, substance abuse, and a host of other “at-risk” behaviors, the leadership pivot, centering One-Eighty programming around mentoring—transformative relationships between caring adults and the students who call the teen center home. Clubs are formed, including a computer club, stamp collecting club, and an outdoor adventure club complete with a rock climbing wall. The building becomes more than just a fun place to be, it becomes a place where there is potential for real life change.



With Brad’s retirement, Jake takes the reins as Executive Director and procures a major grant to rebuild the One-Eighty skatepark. Local skaters become part of a growing crowd of kids we affectionately call our “ragamuffins” - students of color, LGBTQ youth, music “scene kids,” and so many more. We learn to take seriously the call of Jesus so that all those who are weary, burdened, broken, or poor in spirit can come to Him and find rest and abundant life (John 10:10, Matt 11:28). One-Eighty becomes a refuge. Seeing these kids with both their vast potential and many wounds, Dan Brown, a professional counselor, and longtime local youth pastor and mentor volunteered his time to host a weekly resiliency group at Liberty High School with some of the One-Eighty students. Alison soon joins him, and she quickly sees a desperate need for adolescent mental health services in Lodi. Alison begins studying for her master’s degree in marriage & family therapy, with an eye toward what might come in the future.


One-Eighty hosts the largest Battle of the Bands ever, with well over 500 teens in attendance at the American Legion Hall. The winning local band, A Skylit Drive, takes their $1,000 prize money
and goes on tour. They eventually land singles on the Billboard charts and play the Vans Warped Tour.



With Dan Brown having tragically passed away, the need for local mental health services galvanizes the organization. Aly finishes her degree and One-Eighty opens “Adolescent & Family Services,” the first local mental health program dedicated to teenagers and their families. Within a few years, the program now known as One-Eighty Counseling & Resources begins offering evidence-based resiliency programming on multiple public school sites and provides counseling services to a growing list of individual students and families. Meanwhile, thanks to the generous contributions of over 30 local families and businesses, One-Eighty is able to acquire the small house next door (once on the market for $299,000) for $54,000. It is lovingly named “The Dan Brown House.” It is run down, but full of potential. Intern Erin Westgate initially moves into the back part of the house to better love and care for the kids in the neighborhood, and Aly sets up shop in the front bedroom to offer individual private counseling. Both Erin’s move and Aly’s tenacity in carrying on Dan’s legacy foreshadow things to come.


The City of Lodi sees a spike in gang-related crime, with multiple violent incidents and far too many homicides among the east-side community. In partnership with the Lodi Police Department, Glen, Jake, and a host of other pastors and community leaders come together to form Care Lodi. This partnership provides funding for neighborhood intervention programs, places more One-Eighty counselors on school campuses, and creates a brand new position at One-Eighty: Intentional Neighbor. Liz Stevahn, a bilingual former missionary to Mexico, joins the team as the first "Intentional Neighbor,” moving into the toughest part of the neighborhood and hosting a tutoring program in Hale Park. Liz hears gunshots at night, keeps the kids away from fights in the park, and slowly begins to win the respect of her neighbors, the community... even the gang members themselves.



One-Eighty’s backyard skatepark has finally seen one too many kick-flips. Rather than try and rebuild the ramps yet again, One-Eighty acquires a 35’ Winnebago and converts it into the One-Eighty Mobile Unit, a rolling teen center complete with a skate & scooter shop, video-editing equipment, and a snack bar. The Mobile Unit sets up shop at Kofu skatepark and in other neighborhood parks as needed, providing the same caring adults, resources, and mentoring that One-Eighty is known for.


With Jake stepping away for a season, Alison McGregor takes on the Executive Director role. Under her leadership, One-Eighty refocuses the mission and re-emphasizes partnerships. While One-Eighty continues to be known for its programs for teens, a bigger vision takes hold—one that “seeks the peace and prosperity of the city into which you are sent (Jer. 29).” More counselors, more intentional neighbors, and more community opportunities abound. Kenny McGregor retires from a 35-year career in the energy industry to start One-Eighty Adventures, providing opportunities for at-risk youth to experience oceans, mountains, and life-changing backcountry experiences. Many of the One-Eighty kids see the ocean or experience places like Yosemite for the very first time... and are given a bigger vision for their own lives and future.



Unable to stay away, Jake rejoins the team and he and Aly lead as partners, hanging on for dear life as One-Eighty begins a season of dramatic growth. Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous single donor and the consistent partnership with First Baptist Church, One-Eighty is able to acquire a house at 409 Hilborn Street- the first intentional neighboring location owned by the organization. Care Lodi becomes One-Eighty Community. The number of Intentional Neighbors increases to 7, spread out across 4 houses and apartments in strategic locations on the east side. These neighbors work to help establish Horizon Preschool, which provides early childhood education opportunities in the neighborhood. Kingdom Community, a small gathering dedicated to putting the Christian faith into action, begins meeting on Sunday nights, empowering local people of faith and former One-Eighty students (now adults) to join in bringing hope to our city.


COVID!!! Undaunted, One-Eighty carries on and expands its work, again pivoting to the need. The teen center and after-school programs in 3 neighborhoods are repurposed to provide “Distance Learning Centers,” opportunities for students to
continue their learning in spite of poor internet access or unsafe home environments. One-Eighty’s counseling staff meet students on front porches, intentional neighbors deliver care packages, and the team provides love and hope to struggling families.



The mental health crisis precipitated by the pandemic creates a sense of urgency. One-Eighty again partners with First Baptist Church, this time to host a mental health conference and provide ongoing training designed to give teachers, parents, and grandparents the tools they need to navigate these troubled times with their kids. Counseling & Resources services, led by Dan Brown’s son Kevin, expands into 3 schools in the Galt Unified School District. 


In May, One-Eighty opens the doors of the new One-Eighty Counseling Center at 405 W. Pine Street. This facility is perfect beyond even the wildest of expectations, providing more and better space for the rapidly expanding counseling team to do their vital work.



Not only is the vision still alive, but it also continues to grow and become more beautiful each day. What began as a single teen center with a staff of 4 has grown to a staff of 25. We have
program sites in as many as 20 schools, parks, churches, and 4 of our own facilities. We are
carried by a support network numbering nearly 1,000 individuals, businesses, churches, and
foundations. Our team, which has included hundreds of board members, interns, support staff,
and volunteers over the past 20 years, is as strong and as hungry as ever.


The groundwork has been set for impact far into the future... and far from where we started...


When Jesus arrived on the scene, his first words were actually a quote from the scriptures of His people: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners, and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” When He finished teaching, He put down the text and said, “ these words are fulfilled in your hearing.” (Luke 4:18-21)

Over the years, we have come to the conclusion that Jesus actually meant what He said. Far from being an empty religion, His promise was that an ancient vision had been fulfilled and that real hope, real freedom, and real healing had arrived in this world. He then sent his followers to carry that message forward, not just with their words, but with concrete action. It hasn’t always been easy, and at times we’ve been far from perfect, but as Jesus’ followers, our simple task is to continue to bring that sort of hope wherever we go, in full faith that He is able to bind up the brokenhearted and give young people a tomorrow that is different from today. By His grace, we have seen it happen, time and time again. Little miracles and big
miracles have always been a part of our story. As we look to the horizon, we have no doubt that
Jesus will do it again and again.

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